This program focuses on CVSS as an organization adopting up to 10 families within the local DFW community to assist with any needs a family may have during various times of the year and holiday seasons. The program length varies in duration throughout a twelve-month period. CVSS assesses the needs of families, and through local partnerships and personal donations helps to provide to families in their time of need.
FAF program supports up to 25 families in the community that need assistance by providing canned goods and non-perishable items for those in their time of need.
CVSS strives to emphasize individual, family, and community programs and activities, and are designed to meet the needs of the community and families.
Raised $08,500
The purpose of the CVSS Family and Community Programs is to provide people with the resources they need to break out of the cycle of dependence and achieve a higher quality of life
Creative Visions Social Services & Consultants, Incorporated, (CVSS) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable and educational organization.
CVSS is committed to serving all people in need regardless of race, gender, or economic background.
(469) 858-0055
2080 N. Hwy 360 Ste.#360 Grand Prairie, Texas 75050
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© Creative Visions Social Services Inc. 2023